STEW Editor and Associate Editors
STEW operates similarly to an ASA journal. It has an editorial board consisting of an editor and associate editors. Authors submit lessons to the editor using a standard template. The editor is responsible for determining which lessons meet the guidelines for posting on the website. Generally, this involves passing the lesson to an associate editor for review and comments.
The ASA/NCTM Joint Committee on Curriculum in Probability and Statistics (K–12) is responsible for appointing an editor for STEW. If you are interested in serving as a reviewer, send your name, email address, and a brief description of your qualifications to
Catherine Case, University of Georgia
Charlotte Bolch, Midwestern University (AZ)
Associate Editors:
Melanie Battles, Brooklyn Technical High School
Leslie Calloway, Alabama State Department of Education
Stephen Miller, Winchester Thurston School
Claire Miller, North Oconee High School
Authors maintain copyright of their published material in STEW. Any person requesting permission to use materials from a STEW lesson in a publication must obtain permission from the author of the lesson. Copyright transfers to STEW at the time of the author's demise.
The American Statistical Association/National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Joint Committee oversees STEW. In that capacity, the Joint Committee recommends authors require anyone requesting permission to use their lessons in a publication to sign a document that guarantees the author and STEW will be properly credited.