Awards and Scholarships

Annie T. Randall Innovator Award

The Annie T. Randall Innovator Award was established to recognize early-career statistical innovators across all job sectors and with any level of educational attainment. The award was named in honor of pathbreaking Black female statistician Annie T. Randall for her pioneering career in government amid pervasive racial discrimination. Her powerful story and legacy in statistics are an inspiration to future generations of trailblazers. Established in 2020 by the Biometrics Section, the award provides a $2,000 prize each year.
Deadline: March 15

ASA Pride Scholarship

The ASA Pride Scholarship was established to raise awareness for and support the success of LGBTQ+ statisticians and data scientists and allies. The scholarship will celebrate their diverse backgrounds and showcase the invaluable skills and perspectives these individuals bring to the ASA, statistics, and data science.
Deadline: March 31

Best Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Paper Award

The award of $1,500 will be given annually to the paper published in Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal in the given calendar year that best reflects the goals of the journal, which are currently described as follows: “The goals of this interdisciplinary journal are to encourage collaborations across disciplines, communication of novel data mining and statistical techniques to both novices and experts involved in the analysis of data from practical problems, and a principled evaluation of analyses and solutions.”
Deadline: N/A

Biopharmaceutical Section Scholarship Award

The Biopharmaceutical Section Scholarship Award was established in 2018 by the Biopharmaceutical Section of the American Statistical Association to recognize notable research, academic achievement, and applied project work related to biopharmaceutical statistics. The award will also consider general academic performance, leadership, volunteering, and service. Annually, up to five students will each receive an award of $3,000.
Deadline: March 15

Bob Riffenburgh Award

The Bob Riffenburgh Award, established in 2022 to honor statistician Robert H. Riffenburgh, recognizes the transfer or extension of statistical methods developed for or used in one field of application into another where it has never or seldom been used. Its goal is to recognize that these statistical transfers broaden the range of statistical methods applied to various fields of science and to encourage statistics users to seek innovative methods not commonly used in their field.
Deadline: January 15

Causality in Statistics Education Award

The Causality in Statistics Education Award is aimed at encouraging the teaching of basic causal inference in introductory statistics courses. Donated by Judea Pearl, the prize carries an award of $5,000 to a person or team that does the most to enhance the teaching and learning of causal inference in statistics.
Deadline: April 5

David R. Cox Foundations of Statistics Award

This award honors the contributions of David R. Cox to the foundations of statistical inference, experimental design, and data analysis. It was established in 2022 to promote research and teaching that illuminates conceptual, theoretical, philosophical, and historical perspectives on statistical science and to advance understanding of comparative approaches to the interpretation and communication of statistical data.
Deadline: December 1

Deming Lecturer Award

Established to honor the accomplishments of W. Edwards Deming, this award recognizes the accomplishments of the awardee and enhances the awareness among the statistical community of the scope and importance of Deming’s contributions.
Deadline: October 15

Dorothy Marie Lamb and Annette Lila Ryne Memorial Scholarship

Elizabeth J. Kelly and Robert D. Ryne established the Dorothy Marie Lamb and Annette Lila Ryne Memorial Scholarship in 2022 to honor their mothers for their unwavering love and steadfast support.
Deadline: July 15

Douglas A. Zahn Grant for Advancing Interpersonal Excellence

Named in honor of Douglas Zahn, this grant recognizes an individual each year who has demonstrated their ongoing commitment to systematically improving the interpersonal skills of statisticians and data scientists through teaching, coaching, mentoring, consulting, collaborating, and/or managing/supervising.
Deadline: March 15

Edward C. Bryant Scholarship Trust Fund

Established by Westat to honor its co-founder and chair emeritus, Edward C. Bryant, this scholarship is awarded to outstanding graduate students in survey statistics to help support their graduate education.
Deadline: March 1

Excellence in Statistical Reporting Award

The Excellence in Statistical Reporting Award was established to recognize members of the media for their presentation of the science of statistics and its role in public life.
Deadline: March 14

Fellows of the ASA

Nominated by their peers, ASA Fellows are members of established reputation who have made outstanding contributions in some aspect of statistical work. Given annually, this is a great honor, as the number of recipients is limited to no more than one-third of 1% of the ASA membership.
Deadline: March 1

Founders Award

The ASA Founders Award recognizes members who have rendered distinguished service to the association.
Deadline: March 15

Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship

Jointly sponsored by the ASA Committee on Women in Statistics and the Caucus for Women in Statistics, this scholarship was established to encourage women to enter statistically oriented professions.
Deadline: February 23

Gottfried E. Noether Awards

The Noether awards were established to recognize distinguished researchers and teachers and to support the field of nonparametric statistics. The Noether Distinguished Scholar Award is presented to a distinguished senior researcher or teacher in nonparametric statistics. The Noether Early Career Scholar Award is presented to an accomplished young researcher to promote research and teaching in nonparametric statistics.
Deadline: January 15

Government Statistics Section Wray Jackson Smith Scholarship

Awarded jointly with the ASA’s Social Statistics Section, this scholarship supports work toward a career in government statistics. The scholarship encourages promising young statisticians to consider a future in government statistics. It provides up to $1,000 for use in exploring a number of opportunities for furthering the development of a career related to government statistics.
Deadline: May 1

Harry V. Roberts Statistical Advocate of the Year Award

The Harry V. Roberts Statistical Advocate of the Year Award recognizes the accomplishments and contributions of those who have successfully advocated appropriate and effective uses of statistics and data-analytic approaches in business and the public sector. Unlike other awards, this award recognizes the promotion of statistical reasoning by individuals who may or may not be statisticians.
Deadline: February 15

Health Policy Statistics Section Achievement Awards

The Health Policy Statistics Section (HPSS) Achievement Awards honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of statistical methods or have developed innovative statistical applications for health care policy or health services research. The awards are given to encourage research in this area and increase awareness of the HPSS in the statistical community.
Deadline: September 15

Jackie Dietz Best Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education Paper Award

The Best Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education Paper Award was established in 2011 and is given annually to the best paper among all those appearing in the journal in a given year as determined by the award committee. This award is named in honor of Jackie Dietz, the founding editor of the Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education.
Deadline: N/A

John J. Bartko Scholarship Award

The John J. Bartko Scholarship Award was established to help promising young statisticians who are in at least the second year of a master’s degree program in statistics or biostatistics or who have completed such a program within the two years prior to the award date.
Deadline: December 2

Karl E. Peace Award

The Karl E. Peace Award for Outstanding Statistical Contributions for the Betterment of Society, established in 2012, recognizes statisticians who have made substantial contributions to the statistical profession and society in general. The award was established by Christopher K. Peace, son of Karl E. Peace, on behalf of the Peace family to honor the life work of his father.
Deadline: February 1

Lester R. Curtin Award

The Lester R. Curtin Award was established to help promising young health statisticians get the skills and training they need to make significant contributions in their area of study. The award was created to honor the memory of Lester, or “Randy,” and his long career of working tirelessly to teach and mentor his colleagues at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics.
Deadline: October 15

Lingzi Lu Memorial Award

In 2013, the ASA in partnership with the International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) created the Lingzi Lu Memorial Award in remembrance of Lingzi Lu. The first-year student in the statistics master’s program at Boston University lost her life in the senseless Boston Marathon bombing in April 2013. Through the Lingzi Lu Memorial Award, the ASA and ICSA support the studies of similarly dedicated people who are in master’s programs in statistics or who have recently earned their master’s degree in statistics.
Deadline: October 15

Links Lecture Award

The Links Lecture Award honors the contributions of Constance Citro, Robert Groves, and Fritz Scheuren. It recognizes excellence in the advancement of official statistics through the statistical use of administrative records and alternative data sources, record linkage, statistical methods for creating blended estimates, and issues associated with these activities such as privacy, confidentiality, researcher access, and reproducibility of results.
Deadline: July 1

Mentoring Award

The ASA Mentoring Award is given each year to a member who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in developing the careers of statistics students, statisticians, or statistical researchers early in their careers.
Deadline: March 1

Monroe. G. Sirken Award in Interdisciplinary Survey Methods Research

Monroe G. Sirken created an endowment to recognize a distinguished researcher for contributions to interdisciplinary survey research that improve the theory and methods of collecting, verifying, processing, presenting, or analyzing survey data.
Deadline: December 20

Norman Beery Memorial Scholarship

The Norman Beery Memorial Scholarship was established by Susan Mayo to honor her father, Norman Beery, who was a veteran and railroad worker, and to help first-generation college students like her.  
Deadline: July 1

Outstanding Statistical Application Award

This award recognizes a paper that is an outstanding application of statistics in any substantive field.
Deadline: March 1

Samuel S. Wilks Memorial Award

The Wilks Award was established to honor the memory and distinguished career of Samuel S. Wilks by recognizing outstanding contributions to statistics that carry on in the spirit of his work.
Deadline: February 15

Social Statistics Section Mid-Career Award

The Social Statistics Section Mid-Career Award was established to recognize contributions to the development and application of statistical science to social problems and issues such as demography, sociology, economics, political science, criminology, education, and public policy.
Deadline: April 15

Statistical Partnerships Among Academe, Industry, and Government (SPAIG) Award

The ASA SPAIG Award was established to recognize outstanding partnerships between academe, industry, and government organizations, as well as to promote new partnerships among these organizations.
Deadline: March 1

Statistics in Physical Engineering Sciences Award

The Statistics in Physical Engineering Sciences Award recognizes outstanding collaborative efforts between statisticians and chemists throughout the physical and engineering sciences.
Deadline: February 20

Student and Early Career Travel Fund

The ASA Student and Early Career Travel Fund is supported by member contributions. The purpose of the fund is to encourage students and early-career professionals to become engaged in the statistical community through participation in ASA-sponsored professional meetings.
Deadline: At least three months prior to the start of the ASA conference for which the applicant is applying for support.

Waller Awards

The Waller awards were established by a contribution from retired ASA Executive Director Ray Waller and his wife, Carolyn. The Waller Education Award honors individuals for innovation in the instruction of elementary statistics/data science. The Waller Distinguished Teaching Career Award recognizes an individual for sustained excellence in teaching and statistics education.
Deadline: February 15

W. J. Dixon Award for Excellence in Statistical Consulting

In December of 2008, the ASA Board of Directors accepted a gift from Janet Elashoff, daughter of W. J. Dixon, to endow a fund establishing the W. J. Dixon Award for Excellence in Statistical Consulting. The award was established to recognize outstanding contributions to statistical consulting and to honor the memory of Dixon.
Deadline: February 15

W. J. Youden Award in Interlaboratory Testing

The W. J. Youden award was established to recognize the authors of publications that make outstanding contributions to the design and/or analysis of interlaboratory tests or describe ingenious approaches to the planning and evaluation of data from such tests.
Deadline: February 15