Lexie Hassien, Giulio Stancari Win Pixel by Pixel:
The Art of CHANCE Contest

In the April 2023 issue of CHANCE, editors Donna LaLonde and Wendy Martinez presented a generative art challenge. Inspired by Michelangelo’s quote “A person paints with their brains and not with their hands,” the challenge, titled “Pixel by Pixel: The Art of CHANCE,” urged readers to use their computational skills to create art.

Artists were asked to select a muse from a list including Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Edvard Munch, Salvador Dalí, and Corita Kent. The second requirement drew from art historian Jason Bailey’s definition of generative art as “art programmed using a computer that intentionally introduces randomness.” Submissions needed to include the image, code, and a creation description.

Winning entries are now showcased. In the student category, Lexie Hassien’s interpretation of Van Gogh’s “The Olive Trees” won. In the professional category, Giulio Stancari’s piece “Dynamic Rubies” triumphed, inspired by Van Gogh’s color use and patterns in “Starry Night,” incorporating both pseudo-random numbers and regions of apparent random motion. Read the full article online for details and images of the winning submissions.