Caucus of Academic Representatives
The purpose of this caucus is to promote the statistics discipline within the academic community and provide resources for academic statisticians to successfully advocate for the discipline. In particular, the caucus will do the following:
- Provide assistance to academic departments offering degrees in statistics or biostatistics
- Provide a venue for discussion of issues affecting departments and programs in statistics and biostatistics
- Facilitate interaction between faculty at different institutions, especially between those at research departments and undergraduate institutions
- Identify and collect data that are helpful for heads/chairs in dealing with their administrations and function as a repository for such data
- Arrange a yearly meeting of the members of this group (Caucus of Academic Representatives)
- Arrange a yearly workshop for department chairs and heads
- Promote the statistics profession
The Caucus of Academic Representatives is intended to be inclusive of all academics with an interest in promoting statistics, biostatistics, or other areas that deal with the development of similar methodologies, even if a different name is used. The term statistics (with or without the specific inclusion of biostatistics) is meant to include all these categories.
Join the Caucus
To join the Caucus of Academic Representatives, please contact Ron Wasserstein.