Kenyon College
The Waller Awards were established by a contribution from retired ASA Executive Director Ray Waller and his wife, Carolyn. The Waller Education Award honors individuals for innovation in the instruction of elementary statistics/data science. The Waller Distinguished Teaching Career Award recognizes an individual for sustained excellence in teaching and statistics education. Recipients for each award are presented with $1000.
Nominees should be early in their career, with 10 or fewer years of full-time teaching, and have the responsibility of teaching the first course in statistics/data science in a two- or four-year college or research university. Graduate teaching assistants are eligible for nomination. The recipient will be selected according to the following criteria:
Nominees must have 20 or more years of statistics teaching experience. The recipient will be selected according to the following criteria:
Nominees who are active in teaching and education-related scholarship will receive stronger consideration from the selection committee.
Award recipients will be responsible for providing a current photograph and general personal information the year the award is presented. The American Statistical Association uses this information to publicize the award and prepare the prize.
Nominations are due by February 15 and require the following:
Please contact the committee chair.
2023: Albert Y. Kim 2023: William I. Notz (Distinguished Teaching Career Award) 2022: Kari Lock Morgan 2022: Paul Velleman (Distinguished Teaching Career Award) 2021: Amelia McNamara 2021: Larry Lesser (Distinguished Teaching Career Award) 2020: William Cipolli 2020: Beth L. Chance (Distinguished Teaching Career Award) 2019: Benjamin Baumer 2019: Robert L. Gould (Distinguished Teaching Career Award) 2018: Lynne Schofield 2018: Deborah Nolan (Distinguished Teaching Career Award)
2017: Anna Bargagliotti 2017: James J. Cochran (Distinguished Teaching Career Award) 2016: Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel 2016: Allan J. Rossman (Distinguished Teaching Career Award) 2015: Rebecca Nugent 2015: W. Robert Stephenson (Distinguished Teaching Career Award) 2014: Robin Lock (Distinguished Teaching Career Award) 2014: Andrew Zieffler 2013: Nathan Tintle 2012: Michael Posner 2011 Recipient: Michelle Everson 2010 Recipient: Amy G. Froelich 2009 Recipient: Nicholas Horton 2008 Recipient: Steve Wang 2007 Recipient: Jo Hardin 2006 Recipient: Joy Jordan 2005 Recipient: Roger Woodard 2004 Recipient: Ginger Holmes Rowell 2003 Recipient: John Holcomb 2002 Recipient: Beth Chance Inaugural Waller Award Presented to Beth Chance