ASA Graphic Standards

The ASA's graphic identity is defined by the correct and consistent use of our seal and logos. They should not be reproduced, except from original electronic files provided by the ASA or obtained from the ASA or JSM websites. Please consult the graphic standards manual for complete information about proper use of the seal and logos.

Each package includes logos in several formats suitable for print and web use.

Tips for Using ASA Logos

If the logo is to be printed, please use a CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) version.

If the logo is for online use only, please use an RGB (Red, Green, Blue) version.

File Formats for Graphics Preparation

(EPS) Encapsulated PostScript
This is the preferred file format for printed material. PostScript is a page description language developed by Adobe. Because it encodes vector artwork as a series of mathematic descriptions, the format allows text to be resized without lowering the resolution. File suffix .eps

(TIF) Tagged Image Format
This is the preferred file format for photographs or continuous tone images. If line art is saved as a TIF, it must be saved at a high resolution (800–1,200 dots per inch). File suffix .tif

(JPEG) Joint Photographers Experimental Group
This is a type of compressed file suited for storing and compressing images. Because this format discards some of the data in an image, it can transform the art and give it a blocky appearance and blur sharp edges and text. Consequently, this file format should not be used for print, but is suitable for the web. File suffix .jpg/.jpe/.jpeg